Kategorie: Bettnestchen-Set


Das personalisierte Bettwäscheset für Babybetten enthält alle notwendigen Babybettzubehörteile . Das Nestchen-Set besteht aus:

  • eine geflochtene Krippen-Stoßstange und Krippen-Stoßstangenpolster ,
  • eine Babydecke,
  • ein Himmelbett, Vorhänge oder Baldachin,
  • ein Babynest und ein Babykissen.

For a small child to sleep peacefully, they must provide comfortable conditions in his crib. Babies are not very calm anyway, so their sleep should be as efficient as possible. To ensure safety, you can provide a bumper crib set in the bed (soft decorative sides and original pillows).

Briefly about the KariStudio store

In this online store, you can purchase various high-quality accessories for decorating a baby crib, including bumper crib sets. This decor is of high quality because it is made from natural fabrics that do not cause allergic reactions in children. All products have delicate color shades and do not irritate the eyes. Crib bedding sets with bumpers will be made by hand, taking into account the customer's personal preferences: you can choose the colors and the required product size.

Personalized set of borders

A crib bedding set with bumper is the first thing you must consider when decorating a children's room. After all, the crib will be where the baby will spend most of his time. To make them comfortable, there is an excellent crib bumpers set, which includes the following accessories:

  • wicker border for three sides;
  • pillows of original design (cloud, star, swan);
  • canopy with pom-poms and fasteners.

If desired, the crib bumper set can be supplemented with a blanket and a soft nest. The website has a selection of cotton velour colors. Therefore, you can choose the color of the fabric for decoration yourself. It is worth noting that the padding is made of hypoallergenic silicone fiber. A comfortable crib is the key to a child's peace of mind.

When choosing crib bedding and bumper sets, you should consider the quality of materials, list of accessories, and design so that they match the room's interior. If you have any wishes, tell the artisans, and they will make a suitable set to order.